Unfollow Today is a free Twitter app. It allows to manage your Twitter accounts with different tools.
A totally free app
Unfollow Today is a totally free app. You will never have to pay to access to all functionalities.
Find people who don't follow you back
Unfollow Today will show you people who don't follow you back and people you don't follow back.
Blocked users / Mutual Friends
Find people you have blocked and your mutual friends.
Inactive following
Find your inactive friends or friends who don't have a profile picture. Also, you can find people who didn't follow you back after a follow.
Avoid mistakes by adding some of your following in a whitelist.
Be aware when someone unfollowed you.
Automatic refresh
Choose the refresh frequency. Allow only refresh when WIFI is on or do it manually.
What is Unfollow Today App?
Unfollow Today will help you to manage your X/Twitter accounts.
Customer Reviews
What people think about the application on Google Play