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    Unfollow your unfollowers on X/Twitter

    Unfollow Today is a set of Android apps to find your unfollowers on Twitter and Instagram

    Google Play


Unfollow Today is a free Twitter app. It allows to manage your Twitter accounts with different tools.
A totally free app
Unfollow Today is a totally free app. You will never have to pay to access to all functionalities.
Find people who don't follow you back
Unfollow Today will show you people who don't follow you back and people you don't follow back.
Blocked users / Mutual Friends
Find people you have blocked and your mutual friends.
Inactive following
Find your inactive friends or friends who don't have a profile picture. Also, you can find people who didn't follow you back after a follow.
Avoid mistakes by adding some of your following in a whitelist.
Be aware when someone unfollowed you.
Automatic refresh
Choose the refresh frequency. Allow only refresh when WIFI is on or do it manually.

What is Unfollow Today App?

Unfollow Today will help you to manage your X/Twitter accounts.

Customer Reviews

What people think about the application on Google Play
  • Marla C.

    So far, I am really enjoying this app. Lots of great functionality to help you maintain your Twitter account followings/followers. I find it better than other similar apps I've tried. I do wish they would indicate if an account you are previewing is set to private though. I don't usually follow private accounts, but this app has caused me to inadvertently send requests to follow numerous private accounts that follow me. (Easy enough to cancel the request though.)

    5 / 5
  • Agung B.

    I think this app is awesome, easy to use and very functional for what I need (to see who's mutual, fans, not followback). And what are great that it's fast, friendly user user interface, and can handle multiple accounts from Twitter and Instagram. Ads not too many and still adequate. Hope every upda...

    5 / 5
  • Burget M.

    U can unfollow 500 people a day I think and if u do the whole follow for follow thing on Twitter helps unfollow the people who don't follow back so hell yeah

    5 / 5
  • A Google user

    For those in the know, this is the best place to go for unfollowing with Twitter. Crowdfire have sadly been targeted by Twitter, so their app is near useless now. Unfollow today will allow up to 500 daily unfollow and also has the unfollower tool. So a more than adequate and perhaps even better, replacement. ????

    5 / 5
  • Charles M

    This wonderful app finds the heartless souls who unfollowed me, leaving me twisting in the wind. I love this app and recommend it to all of the beautiful people on Twitter. Five Stars!

    5 / 5
  • Nox.

    I love that this app offers 500 unfollows a day! Goodbye to the fake following Twitter has been bringing in.

    5 / 5
  • Sandika L.

    Wow surprised. This apps features are so good and so easy to use i really appreciate. I didnt expect an app to be this good. Thankyou very much. It contains ads but yeah that's affordable. I am a real user this is no hoax and i recommend you guys.

    5 / 5
  • Sonny T.

    The app is comprehensive and works well to the best of my knowledge. There are ads, but they are manageable as per rate of time/change relative to what you are trying to achieve. In regular terms it takes less time to navigate this app than your follower/unfollower list. Even has real time protection against those pesky Twitter violations. Recommended!

    5 / 5
  • Nahid N.

    To me this is the best unfollower app ever.. My followers are more than 2000 bt still Sometimes when I see 100 followers being added I also see 10 to 20 followers less in profile.... This app really helped me to get back to those who unfollowed me... This is a really good app and would suggest to download it if you want to unfollow ur unfollowers....

    5 / 5

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